Die staatliche Betreibergesellschaft Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH (DET) bietet regelmäßig Regasifizierungskapazitäten an - einschließlich Speicherung und Send-Out. Über die digitalen Angebote können Nutzungsrechte an den staatlich betriebenen Terminals erworben werden. Auf dieser Webseite stellen wir interessierten Marktteilnehmern alle notwendigen Unterlagen für die jeweils aktuellen Angebote zur Verfügung. Außerdem finden Sie eine allgemeingültige Anleitung zu unserem Vergabeverfahren (zum Beispiel Auktion), Hintergrundinformationen sowie gesammelte Q&As.
Information on Secondary Trade offers
Offers and further information on Secondary Trade are available here on the Prisma platform.
PRISMA is the platfrom where capacity offerings are held. Please follow the instruction under this link to register at PRISMA.
Bidders that do not meet the “Minimum credit Rating” may submit a “Replacement Credit Support” instead. As set out in the Terminal Use Agreement a Letter of Credit of € 6 million issued in advance of the auction will be accepted. Capacity holder in any of the DET’s terminals do fulfill the requirement of the Replacement Credit support, too.
Short-term capacities to be offered/auctioned will be announced on the DET website. Updates are also sent by e-mail to shippers. To be included on to the distribution list, please send your contact details to DET.
DET publishes which capacities have been sold and the respective price. The identity of the bidder/shipper is not disclosed publically. For alignment between shippers, DET may disclose the identy to slot holders in the same terminal in accordance with the respective Non-Disclosure-Agreement.
In an ascending clock auction the final pay as bid round (FPAB) is applied in any round after the first if the demand is lower than the offered volume. Each bidder is then asked to set a price and volume. The reserve price is the price of the preceding round. Bidders with the highest price and highest volume win. Please check the PRISMA website for details.
To incentivize deliveries of LNG to the market, the Terminal Use Agreement (TUA) may stipulate a penalty of 30% on the standard cargo value in OTD capacities.
In slot-based products, the offering includes regasification of LNG, the storage at the FSRU, and send-out of the gas.
Among others, the slot-based products do not offer gas in kind, bunkering fuels, harbor fees, tug boats, emission allowances.
The auction starting prices do not include grid entry costs.
The conditions of transfer of grid entry capacity to the User will be set out either in the TUA or in a separate transfer agreement. The actual transfer is processed via PRISMA close to the slot start date (generally several working days before) to avoid capacity transfers being affected by any delivery date changes for whatever reason.
DET books grid entry capacity for all slots on long-term base and will offer these "at cost" to all shippers during their respectice slot. The capacity will be sufficent to send out the maximum cargo size at average GCV during the slot duration.
The TSO connecting WHV is OGE, and the one connecting BBÜ is Gasunie.
Yes, any shipper acquiring capacity from 2025 onwards will be obliged to pay for the regas capacity and grid entry regardless whether it’s used or not (take or pay).
Sofern Sie als Händler Fragen zur Vermarktung haben, insbesondere zu den Kapazitäten, digitalen Auktionen und Angeboten der DET, so schreiben Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an:
Eine umfangreiche Übersicht an FAQs, die erste Ihrer Fragen möglicherweise bereits beantworten, finden Sie weiter oben auf dieser Seite.
If you as a shipper have any questions about marketing, in particular about DET's capacities, digital auctions and offers, please send us an e-mail to
A comprehensive overview of FAQs, which may already answer some of your questions, can be found further up on this page.