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Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH prepares for marketing of LNG capacities on the German North Sea coast

Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH prepares for marketing of LNG capacities on the German North Sea coast

Market survey to give first indication of market partners and demand

The public-sector operating company Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH (DET) – responsible for operating and marketing the capacities of the four floating LNG terminals (FSRU – floating storage and regasification units) on the German North Sea coast – is carrying out a market survey for the first time. Ahead of the start of marketing for the regasification capacities at the facilities Brunsbüttel, Stade, Wilhelmshaven 1 and Wilhelmshaven 2, DET is providing information on the status of development of the terminals and giving market players and potential users of the terminals an opportunity to outline their regasification requirements and utilization behaviour and to make recommendations concerning the configuration of the new regasification capacities by 31 July 2023. The results will be used to shape proposals for capacity utilization from 2024 which will be available from October 2023 via digital auctions.

Further information and a link to the questionnaire are available here.

Dirk P. Lindgens

Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH

Head of Communications