Do you have questions or comments about the Wilhelmshaven site? We will keep you up to date and look forward to hearing from you.
At the DET site in Wilhelmshaven, real pioneering work has been done. In December 2022, the first German LNG terminal went into operation here in record time: the special vessel "Höegh Esperanza". Since then, it has been receiving liquefied natural gas from LNG carriers, converting it back into a gaseous state and feeding it into the German gas grid – flexibly and safely. In summer 2024, the site will be expanded to include second floating LNG terminal, the "Excelerate Excelsior". This FSRU will dock at the offshore jetty currently under construction, completing the quartet of DET terminals. In this way, the DET sites will make an important contribution to a reliable energy supply for Germany and Europe.
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die erste Ausgabe unseres Magazins für den Standort Wilhelmshaven vorstellen zu können. Bitte klicken Sie auf den untenstehenden Button, um mehr über die FSRU "Höegh Esperanza" und die "Excelsior" sowie die Arbeit an den LNG-Terminals zu erfahren.
Erste Ausgabe der "NEBENAN in Wilhelmshaven"Would you like to learn more about our work? We welcome your enquiries through our neighbourhood phone line. You can also get in touch with us by sending an e-mail to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The DET neighbourhood phone is available free of charge from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm.